Last Updated on June 28, 2021 by Cory Kawa
My phone rang today, and a fun notification popped up that was both unexpecting and exciting.

Why Blog and My Vision for the Blog
Hitting 10,000 views had me reflect on a conversation I had last week with a friend of mine about the blog, specifically why I do it and my goals.
Why blog?
That’s a great question and one that really started out with nothing better to do with my time last year when COVID was in full effect, and I couldn’t exercise due to a broken heel. My original thought was to share my story of being a non-runner with bad knees to becoming a multiple half-ironman finisher.
From there, the blog has continued to evolve with a stronger focus on gravel riding and bikepacking.
My favourite part about blogging is that it’s forced me to slow down, appreciate the scenery, take pictures, and take more from the ride beyond just pumping out PBs.
My vision for the blog?
Another great question and one I still don’t know the answer to it. At this point, I think it’s safe to say that it’s a growing living beast that will continue to evolve as my passions evolve.
As of today, my goal is to continue to focus on what I love, exploring new gravel routes and learning to bikepack. The bikepacking piece I see quite a bit of potential in, especially around reports based on the gear I chose, why I chose it, and how it’s worked out.
I guess the most basic goal is to reflect force me to reflect on the activities that bring so much joy to my life, share my story and trials and tribulations with anyone that cares, and from there, if anyone sees any value in it, then that’s pretty awesome.
13 Months / 10,000 View Stats
Interesting Site Stats
10,000 views, 5,562 visitors, 623 most views in a day.
71% of views through mobile.
50% of visitors came via social media, 17.4% via organic search, 17.2% via direct, and 15.5% via referral.
All-Time Top Articles

And as always, thanks for reading, and more importantly, thanks for visiting,